Thursday, March 19, 2009

Recent Acquisitions

I purchased this lovely print by benconservato recently & received it this week. I absolutely love it!

The original drawing, choice of book page to print on, colouring & use of the woodgrain in the woodblock are just exquisite! It was also packed extremely well & the artist is a pleasure to deal with; I'll certainly be back for more of her work.

My other recent purchase is these two lovely tiny sculptures from PearsonMaron via the Oz Bushfire Appeal Etsy store, which I've been coveting for quite a while, so it was great to be able to acquire them & donate to a worthy cause simultaneously! They're both no more than a couple of inches tall & just make me smile every time I look at them.


Jo (ruby-jo) said...

I had my eye on those tiny PearsonMaron sculptures but you beat me to it. I love the concept of little factories pumping out clouds and hearts.

Penny said...

The Person Maron sculptures are amazing! I only saw them in the bushfire shop when they were in the sold list, I'm glad you love them too!

the 6 o'clock stitch said...

Love the sculptures. I've had my eye on those too! Thank you for introducing yourself and your blog on my thread in the forums. It's so nice to meet you.

warm wishes,
6 o'clock

Owl and Fox said...

Hey Vanessa, just letting you know that I've done a mini feature of your Sleepy Hollow print on my blog :)
Here it is: